Alchemy Stars Wiki
Ruby Archives Voice File Memories Gallery
Born in the Rediesel Wrench, Ruby has always loved adventure stories growing up. Cheerful and vivacious by nature, she set out on her own adventure as soon as she learned enough knowledge and skills.
Ruby Mobile
Ruby Ascended Mobile
Name Ruby
Japanese Name ルビー
Taiwanese Name 露比
Korean Name 루비
Spanish Name Ruby
Indonesian Name Ruby
Thai Name รูบี้
Portuguese Name Ruby
Nickname Thrill Seeker
Rarity ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gender Female
Height 5'4"
Birthday March 11
Age 18
Birthplace Rediesel Desert
Profession Converter
Element Icon WaterIcon Water
Affiliation Rediesel Wrench
Fighting Style Bat Blitz and Modified Gloves
Aurorian Dubbing Sayuri Hara
Personality Forthright
Obtained From Thrill Seeker Recruitment
Release Date February 17, 2022 (2 years ago)
Availability Permanent


Active Skill: Ruby ActiveSkill Moonshot
Chain Combo: Ruby ChainCombo Strike Zone
4 Combo: Deals 115% damage to the 2 nearest enemies. If there's only 1 enemy target, damage is inflicted twice.
8 Combo: Deals 130% damage to the 2 nearest enemies. If there's only 1 enemy target, damage is inflicted twice.
11 Combo: Deals 150% damage to the 2 nearest enemies. If there's only 1 enemy target, damage is inflicted twice.
Equipment Skill: Ruby EquipmentSkill Slugger
For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 3% of the target's current HP, and no less than 150% of Ruby's basic DEF.
Work Skills
Backpacker Backpacker FireflyKeeper Firefly Keeper
When deployed to the Resource Station, increases the Carrier's production efficiency by 10%. When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.

Max. Value[]

Icon WaterWater Icon WaterWater

Ruby Icon

  Atk  2610
  Def  983
  Hp  8439

Rediesel Wrench IconRediesel Wrench


Without Affinity, Equipment, and Breakthrough bonuses.

Level-up Info
Ascend 0
(Level 1 - 30)
Ascend 1
(Level 1 - 40)
Ascend 2
(Level 1 - 50)
Ascend 3
(Level 1 - 80)
ATK 397 / 637 763 / 11671310 / 16901896 / 2305
DEF 126 / 206 250 / 385437 / 565631 / 768
HP 1154 / 1862 2162 / 33533715 / 48375362 / 6567

No bonuses*


Ascension preview
Level Ascension Material Upgrade Effect
  • Unlock Level 40
  • Unlock Aurorian Equipment
  • Unlock Equipment Skill:
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 1.5% of the target's current HP.
  • Unlock Level 50
  • Before:
    Active Skill

    Select max cross-shaped or max X-shaped range. Deals 500% damage, knocks back the enemy, and turns the tiles within the attack range into blue tiles.

White Arrow Down
Active Skill

Select max cross-shaped or max X-shaped range. Deals 500% damage, knocks back the enemy, and turns the tiles within the attack range into blue tiles. Inflict damage once on the enemy targets that are hit based on the current equipment skill level.

  • Unlock Level 80
  • Unlock Alternative Art
  • Before:
    Equipment Skill

    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 1.5% of the target's current HP.

White Arrow Down
Equipment Skill

For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 1.5% of the target's current HP, and no less than 150% of Ruby's basic DEF.


Ruby's Baseball Bat
Ruby Equipment
The baseball bat found in Rediesel Wrench's pile of parts is suspected to be made of some special material. It wasn't long before Ruby discovered that it was a perfect fit for her, and it even strengthens her Luminatics!
Aurorian Equipment Info
Level Equipment Material Upgrade Effect
  • Unlocks at Ascension 1
  • Water Water Counter Damage +3%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+50.

  • Ascension 1
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 1.5% of the target's current HP.

    Ascension 3
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 1.5% of the target's current HP, and no less than 60% of Ruby's basic DEF.

  • Water Water Counter Damage +4%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+50.

  • Ascension 1
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 2% of the target's current HP.

    Ascension 3
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 2% of the target's current HP, and no less than 90% of Ruby's basic DEF.

  • Water Water Counter Damage +4%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+100.

  • Water Water Counter Damage +4%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+100.

  • Ascension 1
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 2.5% of the target's current HP.

    Ascension 3
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 2.5% of the target's current HP, and no less than 120% of Ruby's basic DEF.

  • Water Water Counter Damage +5%, ATK+50, DEF+15, HP+150.

  • Water Water Counter Damage +5%, ATK+50, DEF+15, HP+150.

  • Water Water Counter Damage +5%, ATK+50, DEF+15, HP+150.

  • Ascension 1
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 3% of the target's current HP.

    Ascension 3
    For every 3 times the Chain Combo deals damage to the same target, inflict extra damage equal to 3% of the target's current HP, and no less than 150% of Ruby's basic DEF.


Breakthrough preview 
Level Breakthrough Material Upgrade Effect
  • HP increased by 300.
  • DEF increased by 40.
  • Ruby ActiveSkill UpgradeActive Skill Enhancement: Changes Active Skill to Preemptive Strike. Available upon entering combat.
  • Increased by 300+5% Basic max HP.
  • Increased by 40+5% Basic DEF.
  • Ruby ActiveSkill UpgradeActive Skill Enhancement: Tap the tile under her feet to switch directions for knockback and tile-converting.


Character's Affinity (2x the EXP received)[]

Affinity Upgrades
Level Exp Effect (Does Not Stack)
1 0
  • ATK+0 DEF+0 HP+0
2 100
  • ATK+6 DEF+3 HP+30
  • Unlock new Files and Dialogs
3 200
  • ATK+12 DEF+6 HP+60
4 300
  • ATK+18 DEF+9 HP+90
  • Unlocks new File
5 500
  • ATK+25 DEF+12 HP+120
  • Unlock new Dialogs
6 600
  • ATK+32 DEF+15 HP+150
  • Unlock new File
7 800
  • ATK+40 DEF+18 HP+180
8 1000
  • ATK+48 DEF+21 HP+210
  • Unlock new Files and Dialogs
9 1200
  • ATK+56 DEF+25 HP+250
10 1500
  • ATK+65 DEF+30 HP+300



Ruby was promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 4 Recruitments:

Recruitment Featured Duration
Element Targeted Recruitment - Water
Element Targeted Recruitment - Water
Ruby Icon
October 27, 2022 to November 3, 2022
Banner 2022-08-16
Rotating Recruitment 2022-08-16
Ruby Icon
August 16, 2022 to August 23, 2022
Banner 2023-05-30
Rotating Recruitment 2023-05-30
Ruby Icon
May 30, 2023 to June 6, 2023
Thrill Seeker Recruitment
Thrill Seeker Recruitment
Ruby Icon
February 17, 2022 to March 10, 2022

Icon Water Water Converter Converter Aurorians

14 Water Converter Aurorians:
Barton • Bethlehem • Carleen • Fafnir • Kleken • Michenny • Ms. Blanc • Ms. Blanc (Pura Cordis) • Ruby • Sariel • Tina • Tweety • Wilhelm • Zarya