Niel: |
We're here to sing in praise of love!
Kara: |
Here in secred Lumpolis!
Pierre: |
Here in sight of all lovers!
Dian: |
Sing in praise of love's true beauty!
Niel & Kara & Pierre & Dian: |
We sing in praise of love!
Excited Crowd: |
Sing in praise of love! Marchers... march!
Matthieu: |
Wow? There's massive crowd of people coming up the stairs. This is not good, right?
Tina: |
Yeah. If they come past the statue, it's going to be harder to keep it safe.
Loewe: |
And if the statue gets damaged under your nose again, your jobs are as good as lost.
Leyn: |
We need to figure out a way to stop the parade.
The Nun: |
Stop the parade? Why, have we done something wrong? This took a lot of organizing. You can't stop it from going ahead without g ood reason.
Leyn: |
They're moving quickly. We haven't got long. I'll try and stop them. You explain to the nun!
Maitthieu: |
Oh, why are commoners always so hasty... Sister, listen. We don't want to stop the parade. But we have to. For love.
The Nun: |
Matthieu: |
Someone's going to use the parade as cover to commit a crime. And i'm sure you dan't want your events to get a reputation for causing heartbreak. right?
Excited Crowd: |
We! Praise! Love! Free! Love!
Parade Member A: |
Woah! Hold up, everyone! I think we're going the wrong way. We're meant to be going to the residential district in Lumpoli Countyard! We need to turn around and go back.
Leyn: |
Yeah! Go back!
Excited Crowd: |
Huh? We're going the wrong way? That's not right. We were told to climb the Stairway to the Skies together.
Parade Member A: |
We must have got it wrong. Maybe someone misheard the instructions.
Parade Member B: |
The residential destrict? I heard it was the square in Lumpolis Counrtyard! That's miles away! Hurry up, lt's turn around and get going!
Leyn: |
Exactly! Turn around and get going!
Excited Crowd: |
Go back? But we've come so far... Yeah!
Parade Member A: |
But we've meant to be going to the residential district.
Parade Member B: |
NO! It's the square!
Excited Crowd: |
Hold on. I remember very clearly being told we were going to climb Staiway to the Skies. Right! And if not, why did we all meet at the bottom of the stairs? You people who want to go to the residential district or the square, where did you get your info?
Parade Member A: |
Some guy with white hair tied in a ponytail. He seemed trustworthy.
Parade Member B: |
Some trustworthy-looking guy with white hair tied in a ponytail.
Excited Crowd: |
Hey, that's the same person. You've been tricked!
Parade Member A & B: |
Excited Crowd: |
Hey, that's him! Look, he's got white hair a ponytail!
Leyn: |
What? Me? No, i'm just passing...
Parade Member A: |
That's him!
Parade Member B: |
He's the one that told me!
Excited Crowd: |
So who is this stranger trying to ruin our Love Parade? Take him to the Romance Division!
Leyn: |
T-There's no need. I'm going there anyway...
Excited Crowd: |
Come on! Keep marching yp the steps! And don't let that guy get away.
Leyn: |
(Darn. My brilliant idea wasn't as good as i'd hoped.) (And the people have set off again. What should i do?)
Matthieu: |
Oh dear, oh dear! I've knocked over the pails of milk and honey! Oh my, what a clumsy man i am.
Excited Crowd: |
What? Look at all the milk pouring down the stairs. Where in the world did that come from? And why is there honey mixed in the milk!?
Leyn: |
(T-That looks like one of Matthieu's more direct strategies!) (It was a weird idea but it seems to have worked. People have stopped.)
Excited Crowd: |
Wow. Everything seems to be going wrong today. We can't give up. As the God of Light says, the road to the blessed land is one of trial and tribulation! Exactly! The milk and honey simply show that we arae on the right path! Continue forward, everyone, But take care not to slip.
Leyn: |
(They've started again?) (They sure are a determined bunch...)
Tina: |
Ahhh! The stairs are so slippery!!!
Excited Crowd: |
What's going on!? I think someone fell over.
Tina: |
Boo-hoo... it really hurts... I'm seeing stars, even if it's daytime.
Excited Crowd: |
S-She seems badly injured. These steps are kind of dangerous right now... Maybe... we should call it quits for today? Yeah. We can parade somewhere else. Don't just stand there blocking the way. Find someone to take this poor girl to a doctor.
Navigator: |
They're falling back! Excellent performance, Tina! Yeah, very convincing!
Tina: |
Heehee. If i do lose my job at the Hall of Justice, maybe i'll take to the stage.
Matthieu: |
And what about my trick? Clever, huh?
Navigator: |
It was awesome. Just perfect.
The Nun: |
You children... that was something else. But as it was all to protect the reputation of these events, so be it. All love is worthy of protection. Even love of a statue.
Matthieu: |
I can see why you run your salons. Thanks for being so understanding, Sister.
The Nun: |
I must go. I'll steer the parade people in a different direction. And we'll do our best at our jobs too.
Excited Crowd: |
Oh no! Everyone, stop! We need to go back to the stairs!
Navigator: |
What's going on? There's some kind of commotion!
Excited Crowd: |
Eclipsites! Where did they come from!? Quick! Get up the stairs!
Matthieu: |
What? Where did these Eclipsites come from?
Navigator: |
I see them! Only a few, though. Leyn is already tacking them!
Tina: |
Let's go help him, stat!
Loewe: |
Don't forget the statue! That crowd is about to stampede past.
Navigator: |
It's just a few Eclipsites. One extra person should be enough. Tina, you go help Leyn. Everyone else stay here with the statue. I'll use my psychic abilitites to help you fight the Eclipsites, Tina.
Tina: |
Okay, sounds good. You guys make sure you look after the statue!