Vice: |
Tell us more about your family, Valencia.
Vice: |
Was your mother an Illumina researcher too?
Valencia: |
No, she was from Lumopolis.
Valencia: |
I think the proper term is "noble," right?
Carleen: |
Was your mother a Lumopolis noble?
Carleen: |
I might know her. Can you give me her name?
Valencia: |
Dad called her Nimbus.
Carleen: |
Nimbus... That sounds like an alias.
Carleen: |
Had she ever talked to you about Lumopolis?
Valencia: |
Not really. She didn't want to discuss her past.
Carleen: |
Do you know how she got here then?
Valencia: |
Dad said he and mom came here by accident and never found a way out.
Valencia: |
I was too young to remember it all back then.
Gretel: |
Navigator: |
Your sister seems angry, Valencia. Is there anything wrong?
Gretel: |
You quit speaking your mind!
Navigator: |
Hey, why the hostility toward me?
Valencia: |
Why are you still mad, Gretel?
Gretel: |
Why did you tell them everything?
Valencia: |
Didn't I say I think they're trustworthy?
Gretel: |
So you're just going to ignore Butler's advice altogether?
Valencia: |
How can you talk to me like that?
Butler: |
A good way... to resolve conflict is to... communicate.
Gretel: |
I don't care, since Valencia's wrong!
Gretel: |
Let's go, Butler, and leave her to her own devices!
Vice: |
Sorry, we didn't mean to cause a rift between you two...
Vice: |
But we did our best to prove we're from Illumina.
Vice: |
Why does she still treat us with hostility?
Valencia: |
Actually... our parents fell to an Eclipsite ambush not long after Gretel was born.
Valencia: |
I learned about the outside from them, but she never did.
Valencia: |
Only Butler and I have been taking care of her.
Vice: |
I see. I guess our sudden presence made her uncomfortable.
Valencia: |
Valencia: |
I wanted to tell her more about mom and dad, but I don't know much myself...
Siobhan: |
Illumina has maintained many files and manuscripts your dad left.
Siobhan: |
I can tell you everything if you'd like to hear.
Valencia: |
That's wonderful!
Siobhan: |
Your father specialized in ancient ruins and technologies, plus exploration on the side.
Siobhan: |
Did you know that?
Valencia: |
I did. He kept up the research on this location.
Valencia: |
He called this place the Ancient City and the droids "great ancient tech."
Valencia: |
He even repaired many droids and system modules with the Butler.
Siobhan: |
He once wrote a treatise on restoring ancient machines.
Siobhan: |
The vending machines, can-delivery drones, and can factories...
Siobhan: |
Were all restored by your father, right?
Valencia: |
Some, yes.
Valencia: |
He said some of them were fully functional.
Siobhan: |
Which ones?
Valencia: |
The factories. He said he barely touched them.
Valencia: |
They operated and paused under the Butler's control.
Valencia: |
They're automated to manufacture clothing and food, then put them in supermarkets.
Florine: |
What's a supermarket?
Valencia: |
Oh, it has everything. You can just take what you want from it.
Florine: |
It's all automated, indeed... This is beyond comprehension...
Siobhan: |
That's ancient automation science and technology... Truly incredible.
Vice: |
What's your normal daily routine like?
Valencia: |
Well, pretty normal...?
Vice: |
Let me try to be more specific. So, what happens when clothes get dirty?
Valencia: |
Just put them in the washing machine and clean them for us.
Vice: |
And when you want to take a bath?
Valencia: |
Tell the Butler and the droids will heat bathwater.
Vice: |
And when you want a room cleaned?
Valencia: |
Tell the Butler and droids will come to clean it.
Vice: |
And when you feel like reading a book?
Valencia: |
Tell the Butler and a droid will play the content.
Vice: |
What about when you have to do assignments and write reports?
Valencia: |
Assignments? Reports? Aren't the droids supposed to do that?
Vice: |
Oh my, that's such a wonderful life!
Florine: |
That's a horrible life. You don't have to do anything if you're being raised in a pen...
Navigator: |
Please allow me to ask a few questions as well.
Valencia: |
What questions are they?
Navigator: |
Is there a factory that makes clothing for someone like me?
Valencia: |
Oh, that one is down due to damaged files, I think.
Navigator: |
What? So your father also wore...
Valencia: |
I recall it was Illumina clothing.
Navigator: |
But wouldn't the droids attack...?
Valencia: |
He has high enough access to make a pact with the Butler to avoid attacks.
Navigator: |
Please let me talk to that Butler!
Navigator: |
Where is it? Where's the droid called Butler?
Siobhan: |
Right, I'd like to speak with the Butler too.
Valencia: |
It should be in the industrial district right now.