Alchemy Stars Wiki

N5 - Suspicions Story

Vice: Tell us more about your family, Valencia.
Vice: Was your mother an Illumina researcher too?
Valencia: No, she was from Lumopolis.
Valencia: I think the proper term is "noble," right?
Carleen: Was your mother a Lumopolis noble?
Carleen: I might know her. Can you give me her name?
Valencia: Dad called her Nimbus.
Carleen: Nimbus... That sounds like an alias.
Carleen: Had she ever talked to you about Lumopolis?
Valencia: Not really. She didn't want to discuss her past.
Carleen: Do you know how she got here then?
Valencia: Dad said he and mom came here by accident and never found a way out.
Valencia: I was too young to remember it all back then.
Gretel: Hmph!
Navigator: Your sister seems angry, Valencia. Is there anything wrong?
Gretel: You quit speaking your mind!
Navigator: Hey, why the hostility toward me?
Valencia: Why are you still mad, Gretel?
Gretel: Why did you tell them everything?
Valencia: Didn't I say I think they're trustworthy?
Gretel: So you're just going to ignore Butler's advice altogether?
Valencia: How can you talk to me like that?
Butler: A good way... to resolve conflict is to... communicate.
Gretel: I don't care, since Valencia's wrong!
Gretel: Let's go, Butler, and leave her to her own devices!
Vice: Sorry, we didn't mean to cause a rift between you two...
Vice: But we did our best to prove we're from Illumina.
Vice: Why does she still treat us with hostility?
Valencia: Actually... our parents fell to an Eclipsite ambush not long after Gretel was born.
Valencia: I learned about the outside from them, but she never did.
Valencia: Only Butler and I have been taking care of her.
Vice: I see. I guess our sudden presence made her uncomfortable.
Valencia: Yeah.
Valencia: I wanted to tell her more about mom and dad, but I don't know much myself...
Siobhan: Illumina has maintained many files and manuscripts your dad left.
Siobhan: I can tell you everything if you'd like to hear.
Valencia: That's wonderful!
Siobhan: Your father specialized in ancient ruins and technologies, plus exploration on the side.
Siobhan: Did you know that?
Valencia: I did. He kept up the research on this location.
Valencia: He called this place the Ancient City and the droids "great ancient tech."
Valencia: He even repaired many droids and system modules with the Butler.
Siobhan: He once wrote a treatise on restoring ancient machines.
Siobhan: The vending machines, can-delivery drones, and can factories...
Siobhan: Were all restored by your father, right?
Valencia: Some, yes.
Valencia: He said some of them were fully functional.
Siobhan: Which ones?
Valencia: The factories. He said he barely touched them.
Valencia: They operated and paused under the Butler's control.
Valencia: They're automated to manufacture clothing and food, then put them in supermarkets.
Florine: What's a supermarket?
Valencia: Oh, it has everything. You can just take what you want from it.
Florine: It's all automated, indeed... This is beyond comprehension...
Siobhan: That's ancient automation science and technology... Truly incredible.
Vice: What's your normal daily routine like?
Valencia: Well, pretty normal...?
Vice: Let me try to be more specific. So, what happens when clothes get dirty?
Valencia: Just put them in the washing machine and clean them for us.
Vice: And when you want to take a bath?
Valencia: Tell the Butler and the droids will heat bathwater.
Vice: And when you want a room cleaned?
Valencia: Tell the Butler and droids will come to clean it.
Vice: And when you feel like reading a book?
Valencia: Tell the Butler and a droid will play the content.
Vice: What about when you have to do assignments and write reports?
Valencia: Assignments? Reports? Aren't the droids supposed to do that?
Vice: Oh my, that's such a wonderful life!
Florine: That's a horrible life. You don't have to do anything if you're being raised in a pen...
Navigator: Please allow me to ask a few questions as well.
Valencia: What questions are they?
Navigator: Is there a factory that makes clothing for someone like me?
Valencia: Oh, that one is down due to damaged files, I think.
Navigator: What? So your father also wore...
Valencia: I recall it was Illumina clothing.
Navigator: But wouldn't the droids attack...?
Valencia: He has high enough access to make a pact with the Butler to avoid attacks.
Navigator: Please let me talk to that Butler!
Navigator: Where is it? Where's the droid called Butler?
Siobhan: Right, I'd like to speak with the Butler too.
Valencia: It should be in the industrial district right now.
The group moves to the industrial district of the Ancient City.
Valencia: We're here.
Butler: Welcome. I am. The Butler.
Navigator: These droids look brand new like they're freshly built!
Butler: They are... recently, modified.
Siobhan: Why do you speak our language, Butler?
Butler: Learned from... Seamus.
Siobhan: Did you learn it on your own?
Siobhan: Who controls you?
Butler: You resemble... Seamus, lady.
Butler: According to your... terminology.
Butler: I'm a... self-learning AI.
Siobhan: ...
Butler: I control, the city... Please, follow my directions.
Butler: Or suffer... possible penalty.
Navigator: Can you take us out of here?
Navigator: Then I don't have to worry about the clothing problem anymore.
Butler: The city's safety... is priority.
Butler: To avoid more... intruders.
Butler: You cannot... leave.
Butler: Reiterate... Please, follow my directions.
Siobhan: Okay, I'll follow your directions, but first I must know...
Erica: The whispers of the demon lair will drive you mad... Step aside, please.
Erica steps forward to attack Butler, but Siobhan blocks the attack.


Erica: You should not get in my way.
Navigator: What are you doing, Erica?!
Siobhan: A droid with self-learning AI that can retrofit other droids...
Siobhan: It is the exact nemesis of the division and the target for destruction.
Florine: Get out of my way then. Don't tell me you're thinking about getting them back to Illumina!
Siobhan: If I said yes, would you try to eliminate me too?
Gretel: You are all dangerous... as I expected.
Gretel: Come over here, Valencia, don't stay around them!
Vice: Wait, I can explain!
Valencia: I'm sorry, Gretel... I didn't think they were really going to destroy Butler.
Gretel: I told you not to trust them.
Gretel: But... it's not your fault. It's the fault of these bandits and frauds!
Gretel: Initiate the combat droids, Butler.
Gretel: And put them down!

Florine: Oh no, it's drawing the Eclipsites too.
Vice: Not to mention the endless wave of droids. We got to get out of here, quick!
Vice: Come with us, Valencia, Gretel!
Vice: It's too dangerous here!
Florine: Why are you still trying to convince them?
Gretel: You ought to worry about yourselves!
Gretel: Surround them, combat droids!
Robot: Beep... Beep...
Navigator: Do you really want us dead, Valencia?
Valencia: ...
Valencia: You got this, Butler.
Valencia: Come on, Gretel, let's go somewhere safe.
Gretel: Yes, sister.
Navigator: Valencia!
Florine: Forget it. We're the enemies now.
Navigator: Isn't this all your fault?
Navigator: Attacking their butler without provocation?
Florine: Butler? You think it's human?
Navigator: No, but it's their family...
Florine: It's an AI!
Navigator: What's wrong with artificial intelligence? Still their family, isn't it?
Navigator: If Soroz were here, would you make the attack?
Florine: Soroz... Right, you are the Navigator.
Navigator: Yes, I am a Colossus Navigator. I have spent 17 years under the ground. Soroz was all I had.
Navigator: It's the same for them. All they have is that butler.
Navigator: Did you attack it purposely to stir up trouble?
Florine: ...
Florine: Sorry. We didn't think it through.
Erica: President... Was I wrong? I did it... I should have...
Florine: No, you were just defending our faith.
Navigator: So for a personal belief...
Florine: It's more than just a personal belief!
Carleen: Enough. We must get out of the factory now.
Butler: Unfortunately... This is Gretel's command.
Butler: You are surrounded.
Navigator: You are a Butler? You look nothing like the previous droid...
Florine: It can transfer itself to another machine as it pleases?
Siobhan: All droids here are under its control.
Florine: What shall we do now?
Siobhan: You and Erica lead everyone out here.
Siobhan: Together you sure can fight your way out. I'll bring up the rear.
Florine: No, with so many enemies, that would be too dangerous for you.
Florine: I'll stay!
Siobhan: You are the greatest explorer of Lumopolis. It makes more sense if you lead them to break out of the encirclement and I stay behind.
Siobhan: This will give us the best chance of surviving.
Florine: Why don't you, the great Illumina explorer, lead the flight and let me deal with the enemy?
Siobhan: I have the highest rank among us all. How could I let someone from Lumopolis cover me?
Butler: Illumina and Lumopolis... The last time I heard an argument like this...
Butler: It was when Seamus and Nimbus were still here.
Florine: What are you trying to say?
Butler: You Aurorians are quite interesting.
Siobhan: So are you... You talk more and more like one of us.
Butler: I'm artificial intelligence with the ability to learn.
Siobhan: I hope you haven't learned how to command a battle from Seamus...
Siobhan: Navigator, Florine and I will bring up the rear. You lead the team through the encirclement quickly!
Florine: Erica, protect Her Highness Carleen!
Erica: Yes, president.
Navigator: Got it. I'll take command of the fight.
