Alchemy Stars Wiki

N2 - Traveling Together Story

A droid appears and scans you.
Droid: Beep, beep.
Carleen: It's the droids again...
Siobhan: Relax.
Siobhan: See, they're not attacking you anymore.
Carleen: All right... Sorry, I was too wound up.
Vice: Is this really an ancient city, Miss Siobhan?
Siobhan: Yes.
Vice: There are so many buildings here. They're tall with many small quarters...
Vice: Does that mean it used to be quite populated?

This is a perfectly preserved ancient city and probably more than we can handle.

Siobhan: Yes.
Navigator: How do you know ancient people lived here?
Navigator: Soroz told me no one knows what it was like in ancient times.
Vice: Well, Gannon was rebuilt from ancient ruins.
Vice: We can still make educated guesses even if we're unsure about the specifics.
Navigator: Gannon? This is entirely different from Gannon.
Vice: Yeah, the architecture styles aren't the same.
Vice: I think it's because they're built in different eras and probably for different purposes.
Navigator: Different era, I can understand. But what do you mean by different purposes?
Vice: Uh, I'm not clear on that either.
Vice: I only know the ancients used the Gannon ruins as war shelters.
Vice: What do you think, Miss Siobhan?
Siobhan: I think you're saying too much.
Carleen: I know Gannon was an ancient war shelter.
Carleen: There are vestiges of ancient civilizations across the land, and the Illumina is dedicated to unearthing them.
Carleen: Lumopolis might not be into ancient tech as much as the Illumina, but we still know a thing or two about it.
Vice: Uh, Carleen is a part of this team, Miss Siobhan.
Vice: I believe we can share any nonclassified information freely.
Siobhan: All right... Carleen is not your typical arrogant noble, judging from what I saw.
Carleen: I'm not out for your classified secrets.
Carleen: But I feel since we're all trapped here, we have to keep communications open.
Carleen: I just want to know how to get out and where to find food.
Siobhan: Some facilities here are still functional, including the droids and food plants.
Vice: I still have the same question, why do the buildings look different from the ones in Gannon?
Siobhan: I think this is just an ordinary city.
Carleen: Ordinary city?
Siobhan: I found clues, such as books in ancient language and many facilities for daily life.
Siobhan: I also observed the droids and found their attacks not very threatening.
Siobhan: This place was built for civilians to live in.
Siobhan: Unfortunately, I could not find any sign of the ancient residents so far.
Carleen: The Eclipsites must have killed everyone living here.
Siobhan: I'm not sure about that because of one odd fact...
Siobhan: The Eclipsites and the droids here don't attack each other.
Siobhan: But if the Eclipsites attacked us, the droids would attack them.
Carleen: Us...? Oh, I meant to ask, where are the people from Lumopolis?
Siobhan: They've always been around me.
The screen flickers, and two figures appear.
???: The Eclipsites followed us, president.
???: The mob is about the size of a beehive.
???: How often do I have to tell you to quit using such bizarre descriptions and not call me president!
???: Just hit the biggest Eclipsite with me.
???: Got it, president.
Eclipsites appear, before the scene changes back to the Navigator's party.
Navigator: I sense Aurorians fighting Eclipsites over there!
Siobhan: Your psychic ability seems strong.
Siobhan: I think my two Lumopolis friends ran into trouble.
Siobhan: Since we're here, might as well help.
???: You don't sound thrilled about it, Siobhan.
Siobhan: I didn't think you'd spot us and run this way so quickly...
Siobhan: Miss Florine.

Florine: Your Highness, I'm Florine of the Heretics Inquisition. Very pleased to meet you!
Florine: However, what are you doing here?
Carleen: I fell in by accident from an earthquake.
Carleen: How about you? And where's your partner?
Florine: Erica is scouting the perimeter.
Florine: She could be a loose cannon, but should return soon.
Florine: We ran into some trouble on the tundra and got trapped in this weird place.
Siobhan: You fell into the cave because you were following me.
Florine: We should speak elsewhere in private, Lady Carleen.
Florine: This is a perfectly preserved ancient city and probably more than we can handle.
Carleen: Sure.
Carleen and Florine leave together.
Vice: They're off to chat in private. Wonder what don't they want us to hear?
Siobhan: Come here, Vice, I have to tell you something.
Siobhan: Florine is not just a member of the Lumopolis Church Inquisition...
Siobhan: But also the best explorer in that city.
Siobhan: She specialized in investigating ancient ruins.
Siobhan: But unlike me, she and her companion's mission is to eliminate...
Navigator: Is there a purpose to this? I heard it all.
Siobhan: ...
Siobhan: You have keen ears too, I see.
Navigator: I heard the other two as well.
Navigator: They think you're a dangerous scholar, and this place is very dangerous too.
Navigator: Since we're all trapped in here, we should just be honest with each other.
Navigator: We can't hope to find a way out if we don't build trust.
Navigator: What do you two think?
Florine: You must be the Caelestite who adventures with Her Highness, and...
Florine: That outfit doesn't fit you at all.
Navigator: I had no other choice!
???: Hiss!
Navigator: Whoa, what's with that snake?
Florine: Pipe down, you scared Alba!
Navigator: Why did you bring that snake with you?
Florine: That has nothing to do with our situation. Let's not go off on a tangent.
Navigator: You're the one going off on a tangent!
Florine: It's your fault for distracting me with how you're dressed.
Florine: Anyway, even though you often partnered with Her Highness...
Florine: But I'd suggest you not to interject when you're not familiar with the situation.
Navigator: Aren't you with the Inquisition? I even know Hedy.
Florine: She is my senior.
Navigator: Has she never mentioned me to you?
Florine: She did... Are you on good terms with her?
Navigator: Not really. But if she were here, she'd listen to my suggestion.
Carleen: I agree with Navigator.
Carleen: Like I explained to you just now, Florine...
Carleen: Finding a way out is our common goal, one that's predicated on sharing information.
Vice: Yeah, I also agree.
Florine: Understood, Your Highness. I shall do my best.
Siobhan: ...
Florine: Why are you looking at me like that? Are you trying to tell me something?
Siobhan: It looks like we can try to get along, thanks to Vice and her companions.
Florine: Yeah, thanks to Her Highness and her companions.
