Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 1
File:Klaudia Welcome1.ogg I want to research this material... But where can I find it?
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 2
File:Klaudia Welcome2.ogg Good morning! I'm fired up and ready to go whenever!
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 3
File:Klaudia Welcome3.ogg Dinner was delicious, and I got to listen to all kinds of stories too!
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 4
File:Klaudia Welcome4.ogg Phew... Thanks for helping me explore materials! Good night...
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 1
File:Klaudia Interactive1.ogg Thanks for having me aboard the Colossus! This is my first time seeing such an airship; it feels so adventurous!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 2
File:Klaudia Interactive2.ogg Is there anything I can do to help you? My alchemy is perfect for turning seemingly ordinary materials into useful items!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 3
File:Klaudia Interactive3.ogg Did you receive an interesting job request or something? Everyone looks so excited!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 4
File:Klaudia Interactive4.ogg The Fireflies are so cute! If only I could use alchemy to create such adorable little helpers!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 5
File:Klaudia Interactive5.ogg Astra has all sorts of useful materials! I can't wait to explore them for my research!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 6
File:Klaudia Interactive6.ogg Vice says "alchemy" is an ancient term in your world, used to describe an incredible mystical practice... I also hope to learn more alchemy knowledge and techniques in the future.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 7
File:Klaudia Interactive7.ogg Do you know how to fish? What's that? You actually love fishing?! Great, I'll make us a pair of fishing rods!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 8
File:Klaudia Interactive8.ogg Tell me about another one of your adventures! I'm dying to hear more about them!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 9
File:Klaudia Interactive9.ogg Thank you, Navigator, for all your help during our time on the island and on your Colossus... my friends and I have had an unforgettable summer!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 10
File:Klaudia Interactive10.ogg I traded materials with some of your friends from the Rediesel Wrench just now. They brought all kinds of unexpected stuff, like dried lizards and even cacti!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 11
File:Klaudia Interactive11.ogg A place I'd like to visit? Well, if I had the chance... I'd love to check out Lumopolis! Northland also sounds like a great choice... Ahh, I can't make up my mind!
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 12
File:Klaudia Interactive12.ogg So many people in this world love exploring ruins too! Vice told me about some of her previous explorations; I feel like we could share stories for hours!
File:Klaudia Standby1.ogg Barrel!
Change Assistant
File:Klaudia Assistant.ogg Heehee, welcome to my world-class Atelier! Even though it's just a temporary setup, I've already made lots of useful items for us. See if there's anything you can use!
Obtain an Aurorian
File:Klaudia Obtain.ogg My name's Reisalin Stout, or Ryza for short! I'm a traveling alchemist, and my interests include visiting different worlds, exploring ruins, having summer adventures, and flying aboard this Colossus!
Upgrade Successful
File:Klaudia Upgrade.ogg I can still become stronger!
Aurorian Ascension I
File:Klaudia Asc1.ogg Exploring complete!
Aurorian Ascension II
File:Klaudia Asc2.ogg Synthesize succeed!
Aurorian Ascension III
File:Klaudia Asc3.ogg Alright, it's finished!
Enter the Formation
File:Klaudia Enter.ogg Take the first step and go!
Active Skill is Ready
File:Klaudia ActiveReady.ogg Time to get serious!
File:Klaudia Standby2.ogg Here we go!
Release Active Skill 1
File:Klaudia ActiveRelease1.ogg This is my ultimate move!
Release Active Skill 2
File:Klaudia ActiveRelease2.ogg Victory is ours! Grand Chariot!
Unleash Chain Combos 1
File:Klaudia Chain1.ogg Attack—
Unleash Chain Combos 2
File:Klaudia Chain2.ogg Behold the power of alchemy!
The Captain's Entrance
File:Klaudia Captain.ogg Alright, let's have some fun!
File:Klaudia Victory.ogg Yes! We did it—!
Battle Failed
File:Klaudia Fail.ogg Guess I still need more training...
Voice Login
File:Klaudia Login.ogg I wonder if I can make these decorations using alchemy?
Interact with the Colossus Room
File:Klaudia ColossusInteract.ogg Alchemy Stars!
Tap on the Colossus Room 1
File:Klaudia ColossusClick1.ogg Another brand-new summer adventure for my otherwise ordinary life!
Tap on the Colossus Room 2
File:Klaudia ColossusClick2.ogg It's decided! Next on my list is to see aurora in Northland.
Tap on the Colossus Room 3
File:Klaudia ColossusClick3.ogg At its simplest, alchemy is the exploring and synthesizing of different materials!
Tap on the Colossus Room 4
File:Klaudia ColossusClick4.ogg No enemy is too dangerous to stop our adventure!
Tap on the Colossus Room 5
File:Klaudia ColossusClick5.ogg Klaudia's flute-playing is phenomenal; we should let her host a concerto again someday!
Tap on the Colossus Room 6
File:Klaudia ColossusClick6.ogg I wonder how Patty's doing? I'd love to introduce her to some new friends!
Tap on the Colossus Room 7
File:Klaudia ColossusClick7.ogg As an alchemist, my greatest wish is to acquire even more knowledge and techniques!
Tap on the Colossus Room 8
File:Klaudia ColossusClick8.ogg If someone mistreats you, there's nothing wrong with fighting back!
Tap on the Colossus Room 9
File:Klaudia ColossusClick9.ogg Flying across the world aboard a humongous airship... It's like something out of a dream!
Receive a Gift 1
File:Klaudia Gift1.ogg Thanks! I was just looking for this!
Receive a Gift 2
File:Klaudia Gift2.ogg What's this? How touching...
Receive a Gift You Like 1
File:Klaudia LikedGift1.ogg Wow! I can't wait to use this!
Receive a Gift You Like 2
File:Klaudia LikedGift2.ogg I wasn't expecting such a wonderful gift today!
Aurorian Trivia I
File:Klaudia Trivia1.ogg Three years ago, I didn't know the first thing about alchemy. I was just a plain old farm girl finding ways to have fun each day.
Aurorian Trivia II
File:Klaudia Trivia2.ogg Heheh, this isn't my first time venturing into another world... which is why I'm not too surprised by most of the things here!
Aurorian Trivia III
File:Klaudia Trivia3.ogg Always hold on to your desire for adventure, and never forget about the friends you've made along the way.
First Main Lobby Welcome
File:Klaudia FirstWelcome.ogg Happy New Year! We're all excited to see what adventures this year has in store for us!
File:Klaudia Birthday.ogg Happy birthday! Impressive, huh? My friends and I prepared this just for you, and I used alchemy to create all the necessary items!