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Benny and Curo Archives Voice File Memories Gallery
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 1 File:Benny and Curo Welcome1.ogg 昼間はふだん何をしてるの?私は自主訓練を終えたところだけど。
Hiruma wa fudan nani wo shiteru no? Watashi wa jishu kunren wo oeta tokoro dakedo.
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 2 File:Benny and Curo Welcome2.ogg 朝早いのね。少なくともどこかのおバカよりずっと。
Asa hayai no ne. Sukunakutomo dokoka no obaka yori zutto.
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 3 File:Benny and Curo Welcome3.ogg -日が暮れるとハイになるよね!
Higakureru to hai ni naru yo ne!
Yorugata no ningen wa tenioenai wa.
Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen 4 File:Benny and Curo Welcome4.ogg 睡眠を取ることは健康維持の基本のひとつ。休んだほうがいいわ。
Suimin wo toru koto wa kenkōiji no kihon no hitotsu. Yasunda hō ga ii wa.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 1 File:Benny and Curo Interactive1.ogg -空の末裔って何?
Sora no matsuei tte nani?
Kōrei to wa mata betsu no shuzoku yo.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 2 File:Benny and Curo Interactive2.ogg -空の末裔ってケンカ強い?
Sora no matsuei tte kenka tsuyoi?
Tabun kotae wa nō ne.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 3 File:Benny and Curo Interactive3.ogg -いい?この線からこっちはあたしの縄張りだからね!
Ii? Kono sen kara kocchi wa atashi no nawabari dakara ne!
Baka ne.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 4 File:Benny and Curo Interactive4.ogg -よし、クロに勝てる日にまた一歩近づいた!
Yoshi, Kuro ni kateru hi ni mata ippo chikazuita!
Seichōshita no wa Beni dake janai no yo, baka ne.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 5 File:Benny and Curo Interactive5.ogg -実はランクアップにはあまり興味なくてさ。ケンカさえできればそれでいいんだ。
Jitsu wa ranku appu ni wa amari kyōmi nakutesa. Kenka sae dekireba sore de ii nda.
Motto jibun no shōrai ni tsuite kangaetara?
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 6 File:Benny and Curo Interactive6.ogg -あっはははー!あたし最強!
Ahahaha! Atashi saikyō!
Nara watashi wa chō saikyō ne.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 7 File:Benny and Curo Interactive7.ogg -あんたはケンカ弱いけど、いい人ね。
Anta wa kenka yowai kedo, ii hito ne.
Beni no iu koto wa ki ni shinakute ii kara.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 8 File:Benny and Curo Interactive8.ogg -クロ、いざ尋常に、勝負!
Kuro, iza jinjō ni, shōbu!
Ja, sora no matsuei ga shōnin yo. Beni ga makeru kara.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 9 File:Benny and Curo Interactive9.ogg -ヒマだなぁ……退屈ぅ……ねぇ何もしないのぉ?
Himadanaa... Taikutsu... Nē nanimoshinai no?
Beddo no ue de gorogoro shinai no, mittomonai.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 10 File:Benny and Curo Interactive10.ogg -勝手に使わないで。
Katte ni tsukawanaide.
iijan, betsuni. Atashi no mo tsukatte ii kara sā.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 11 File:Benny and Curo Interactive11.ogg -ねぇ、あたしたちってどっちが強いと思う?
Nee, atashitachi tte docchi ga tsuyoi to omou?
Hito wo makikomanai no.
Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen 12 File:Benny and Curo Interactive12.ogg -巨像の上で暮らせるなんて贅沢だって時々思うわ。
Kyozō no ue de kuraseru nante zeitaku datte tokidoki omou wa.
Mata deta.
Standby File:Benny and Curo Standby1.ogg -つまんないの!
Tsumannai no!
Chotto shizukani shite.
Change Assistant File:Benny and Curo Assistant.ogg -なになに、ケンカ?!
Nani nani, kenka?!
Futsū no oshigoto yo.
Obtain an Aurorian File:Benny and Curo Obtain.ogg -初めまして、お目にかかれて光栄。
Hajimemashite, omeni kakarete kōei.
Koko de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu wo yondekite!
Upgrade Successful File:Benny and Curo Upgrade.ogg よーし、張り切っていこー!
Yoshi, harikitteiko!
Aurorian Ascension I File:Benny and Curo Asc1.ogg もっと強くなったよ!
Motto tsuyoku natta yo!
Aurorian Ascension II File:Benny and Curo Asc2.ogg 合理的な判断ね。
Gōritekina handan ne.
Aurorian Ascension III File:Benny and Curo Asc3.ogg -カンペキ!
Chō kanpeki.
Enter the Formation File:Benny and Curo Enter.ogg 了解!
Active Skill is Ready File:Benny and Curo ActiveReady.ogg 大暴れしてやる!
Ohabare shiteyaru!
Standby File:Benny and Curo Standby2.ogg チャンスを見極めて。
Chansu wo mikiwamete.
Release Active Skill 1 File:Benny and Curo ActiveRelease1.ogg 歯を食いしばれぇ!
Ha wo kuishibare!
Release Active Skill 2 File:Benny and Curo ActiveRelease2.ogg -今よ。
Ima yo.
Unleash Chain Combos 1 File:Benny and Curo Chain1.ogg 爆ぜろ!
Unleash Chain Combos 2 File:Benny and Curo Chain2.ogg あーっはははは!
The Captain's Entrance File:Benny and Curo Captain.ogg -隊長はあたし!
Taichō wa atashi!
Otonashikushi nasai.
Victory File:Benny and Curo Victory.ogg -ちょろいもんよ!
Choroi mon yo!
Ninmu kanryō.
Battle Failed File:Benny and Curo Fail.ogg -くっやしいー!
Ikiteru dake demo saiwai yo.
Voice Login File:Benny and Curo Login.ogg 白夜極光!
Byakuya Kyokkō!
Interact with the Colossus Room File:Benny and Curo ColossusInteract.ogg -ん?あたしに何か用?それともコイツ?
Hm? Atashi ni nanika yō? Soretomo koitsu?
Nanika goyō?
Tap on the Colossus Room 1 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick1.ogg -啓光の印象?べっつにー。よく知らないし。
Keikō no inshō? Bettsuni. Yoku shiranaishi.
Danketsu to tōitsu ga Keikō no tokushoku yo.
Tap on the Colossus Room 2 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick2.ogg -白夜城より影ノ街が好き。裏表がないもん。
Byakuyajō yori Kage no Machi ga suki. Uraomote ga nai mon.
Mezurashiku ikengaicchishita wa ne.
Tap on the Colossus Room 3 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick3.ogg 啓明の光のために!
Keimei no hikari no tame ni!
Tap on the Colossus Room 4 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick4.ogg -バートン将軍は豪快で気持ちのよい方よ。
Bāton shōgun wa gōkai de kimochi no yoi kata yo.
Atashi mo ānaritai!
Tap on the Colossus Room 5 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick5.ogg -ナーノス?つまんないヤツだよ。
Nānosu? Tsumannai yatsu da yo.
Hito sorezore dakara.
Tap on the Colossus Room 6 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick6.ogg -好きなものはケンカ!それと勝利!
Sukina mono wa kenka! Sore to shōri!
Kōsha ni wa dōisuru wa.
Tap on the Colossus Room 7 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick7.ogg -小細工を弄する卑怯者!
Kozaiku wo rōsuru hikyōmono!
Karera no songen nante ichimon no kachi mo nai.
Tap on the Colossus Room 8 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick8.ogg -でっかいのは、強い!
Dekkai no wa, tsuyoi!
Kyū bunmei no isan wo mirareru nante, odoroita wa.
Tap on the Colossus Room 9 File:Benny and Curo ColossusClick9.ogg Template:V/1500241
Receive a Gift 1 File:Benny and Curo Gift1.ogg お気持ち嬉しいわ、ナビゲーター。
Okimochi ureshī wa, Nabigētā.
Receive a Gift 2 File:Benny and Curo Gift2.ogg いいねぇ、もらっとくわ。
Ii nē, morattoku wa.
Receive a Gift You Like 1 File:Benny and Curo LikedGift1.ogg そう、これだよ!よくわかってんじゃん!
Sō, kore da yo! Yoku wakatten jan!
Receive a Gift You Like 2 File:Benny and Curo LikedGift2.ogg 大切にするわ。ありがとう。
Taisetsu ni suru wa. Arigatō.
Aurorian Trivia I File:Benny and Curo Trivia1.ogg -何だか啓光に入ったばかりの頃が懐かしくなっちゃった。
Nandaka Keikō ni haitta bakari no koro ga natsukashiku nacchatta.
Ima yori shitsuke ga taihen datta koro ne.
Aurorian Trivia II File:Benny and Curo Trivia2.ogg -最近の決闘は引き分けが増えてきたから、この調子ならクロに勝てるのは時間の問題!
Saikin no kettō wa hikiwake ga fuetekita kara, kono chōshi nara Kuro ni kateru no wa jikan no mondai!
Negoto wa nete ii nasai.
Aurorian Trivia III File:Benny and Curo Trivia3.ogg -ベニは戦い始めると周囲の危険に気を配らなくなるの。命取りよ。
Beni wa tatakai hajimeru to shūi no kiken ni ki wo kubaranaku naru no. Inochitori yo.
Urusai nā! Hitori no toki wa chanto chūishiteru yo!
First Main Lobby Welcome File:Benny and Curo FirstWelcome.ogg -明けましておめでとう!
Akemashite omedetō!
Honnen mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Atashi no serifu!
Birthday File:Benny and Curo Birthday.ogg Template:V/1500241