Alchemy Stars Wiki
Algol Archives Voice File Memories Gallery
Illumina Federation's top scientist and AI expert. When she shouts out "AI will rule the world," it's difficult to tell if she is shouting this out of fear or anticipation.
Algol Mobile
Algol Ascended Mobile
Name Algol
Japanese Name アルゴル (Arugoru)
Korean Name 알골
Nickname Boundless Intellect
Rarity ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gender Female
Height 5'3" (≈ 160cm)
Birthday December 10
Birthplace Gannon City
Profession Converter
Element Icon FireIcon Forest
Affiliation Illumina Federation
Fighting Style Nanomachine "Bool"
Aurorian Dubbing Yuu Kobayashi
Personality Into Esoterica
Obtained From
Release Date  (0 seconds ago)
Availability Available Permanently


Active Skill: Algol ActiveSkill Death Tariff
Chain Combo: Algol ChainCombo Binary Eruption
4 Combo: Bool deals 150% damage to 12 tiles in a diamond shape.
9 Combo: Bool deals 155% damage to 16 tiles in a radial shape.
13 Combo: Bool deals 165% damage to 24 tiles in a radial shape.
Equipment Skill: Algol EquipmentSkill Nanometric Magic Numbers
Gains 1 computation point each time passing through a Dark Tile. Each computation point increases Bool's damage by 5%, and half of the computation points will be retained at the end of the round. If there are no less than 3 computation points after Bool's action ends, Bool deals an additional 100% damage to the enemy who has received damage the most times from it.
Work Skills
StarlightOmniscience Starlight Omniscience FireflyKeeper Firefly Keeper
When deployed to the Starlight Chamber, increases Heartstone production by 10%. When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.

Max. Value[]

Icon FireFire Icon ForestForest

Algol Icon

  Atk  3021
  Def  1136
  Hp  9817

Illumina Federation IconIllumina Federation


Without Affinity, Equipment, and Breakthrough bonuses.

Level-up Info
Ascend 0
(Level 1 - 30)
Ascend 1
(Level 1 - 40)
Ascend 2
(Level 1 - 50)
Ascend 3
(Level 1 - 80)
ATK 484 / 788 801 / 13141323 / 18011813 / 2331
DEF 153 / 257 262 / 438441 / 606609 / 787
HP 1374 / 2309 2349 / 39213951 / 54335453 / 7045

No bonuses*


Ascension preview
Level Ascension Material Upgrade Effect
White Arrow Down

Active Skill

White Arrow Down

Equipment Skill


Algol Equipment
Bool is a nanorobot that lives on Algol and is said to have caused its master to suffer broken bones and tendons. However, Bool becomes really ferocious against anything that threatens its master's existence.
Aurorian Equipment Info
Level Equipment Material Upgrade Effect
  • Unlocks at Ascension 1
  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +3%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+50.

  • Gains 1 computation point each time passing through a Dark Tile. Each computation point increases Bool's damage by 2%, and half of the computation points will be retained at the end of the round. If there are no less than 3 computation points after Bool's action ends, Bool deals an additional 100% damage to the enemy who has received damage the most times from it.
  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +4%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+50.

  • Gains 1 computation point each time passing through a Dark Tile. Each computation point increases Bool's damage by 3%, and half of the computation points will be retained at the end of the round. If there are no less than 3 computation points after Bool's action ends, Bool deals an additional 100% damage to the enemy who has received damage the most times from it.
  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +4%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+100.

  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +4%, ATK+30, DEF+10, HP+100.

  • Gains 1 computation point each time passing through a Dark Tile. Each computation point increases Bool's damage by 4%, and half of the computation points will be retained at the end of the round. If there are no less than 3 computation points after Bool's action ends, Bool deals an additional 100% damage to the enemy who has received damage the most times from it.
  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +5%, ATK+50, DEF+15, HP+150.

  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +5%, ATK+50, DEF+15, HP+150.

  • Fire Fire Counter Damage +5%, ATK+50, DEF+15, HP+150.

  • Gains 1 computation point each time passing through a Dark Tile. Each computation point increases Bool's damage by 5%, and half of the computation points will be retained at the end of the round. If there are no less than 3 computation points after Bool's action ends, Bool deals an additional 100% damage to the enemy who has received damage the most times from it.


Breakthrough preview 
Level Breakthrough Material Upgrade Effect
  • HP increased by 300.
  • DEF increased by 40.
  • Algol ActiveSkill UpgradeActive Skill Enhancement: Changes Active Skill to Preemptive Strike. Available upon entering combat.
  • Increased by 300+5% Basic max HP.
  • Increased by 40+5% Basic DEF.
  • Algol ActiveSkill UpgradeActive Skill Enhancement: The range expands to 13 tiles in a diamond shape, and the number of tiles that can be selected increases to 4.


Character's Affinity (2x the EXP received)[]

Affinity Upgrades
Level Exp Effect (Does Not Stack)
1 0
  • ATK+0 DEF+0 HP+0
2 100
  • ATK+6 DEF+3 HP+30
  • Unlock new Files and Dialogs
3 200
  • ATK+12 DEF+6 HP+60
4 300
  • ATK+18 DEF+9 HP+90
  • Unlocks new File
5 500
  • ATK+25 DEF+12 HP+120
  • Unlock new Dialogs
6 600
  • ATK+32 DEF+15 HP+150
  • Unlock new File
7 800
  • ATK+40 DEF+18 HP+180
8 1000
  • ATK+48 DEF+21 HP+210
  • Unlock new Files and Dialogs
9 1200
  • ATK+56 DEF+25 HP+250
10 1500
  • ATK+65 DEF+30 HP+300

Icon Fire Fire Converter Converter Aurorians

17 Fire Converter Aurorians:
Algol • Batia • Carleen (Smoldering Soul) • Dantang • Eicy • Faust • Genevieve • Joanie Boom • Lorelei • Maggie • Matthieu • Pepi • Rinne • Smokey • Tiny One • Uriel • Zhong Xu