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Abyss Elite Recommended Recruitment
Duration: October 30, 09:00 AM to November 10, 09:00 AM (UTC+0)

During the event, a new limited-time Abyss Elite Recommended Recruitment will be made available, and only the selected 5-Star and 6-Star Aurorians below can be recruited from it.

Recruitment Pool[]

Featured Aurorians
Other Recruitable Aurorians

* All recruitable Aurorians

Recruitment Info[]

This is limited-time recommended recruitment, and you can use Star Flares to recruit from it. A 5-Star Aurorian (one of the Aurorians specified in the pool) is guaranteed within your first 10 recruitments.

The initial probability of obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian from this recruitment is 2%. If you fail to recruit a 6-Star Aurorian after 50 recruitments in a row, the probability of obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian on your next recruitment attempt will increase from 2% to 4.5%. If you still fail to recruit a 6-Star Aurorian, the probability of obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian on your next recruitment attempt will increase from 4.5% to 7%, and so on. Whenever you fail to recruit a 6-Star Aurorian, the probability of obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian will increase by 2.5% until it reaches 100%. After obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian, the probability of obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian will be reset to 2%.

This and the Rotating Recruitment follow the same rules from above.

It means that, in this or the Rotating Recruitment, if you fail to obtain a 6-Star Aurorian, your probability of obtaining one will accumulate. This accumulated probability will not be cleared at the end of this or any Rotating Recruitment and will be carried over to the next Rotating Recruitment or recommended recruitments. Suppose multiple recruitments are active at the same time, this probability will accumulate and apply to each of them collectively.

Please note that the increased probability abovementioned is independent of other types of recruitment. The increased probability only applies within the respective recruitment pools.

When you obtain a 6-Star Aurorian from any Rotating Recruitment or other recommended recruitments during the event, the probability of obtaining a 6-Star Aurorian will be reset to 2%.

This recruitment doesn't have a guarantee mechanism, and it doesn't affect the guarantee mechanism in other recruitments.
