Navigator: |
We're flying?!
Vice: |
Whoa, I almost fell off! We're so high up!! Are we flying?! Hold on to something, everyone!
Navigator: |
That's my hair, Vice!
Soroz: |
Oh, the sky! It's been so long... I still remember the last time, that bloody night... I wish to continue speeding up, Navigator!
Navigator: |
Be my guest, Soroz! By all means, soar! Let's fly full throttle! We've even thrown off the Eclipsites!
Soroz: |
Gladly! Let's soar across the great skies once more!
Illumina Squad Captain: |
What's this vibration, Vice?
Vice: |
I was just going to call you! We're in the air!
Illumina Squad Captain: |
Really? That's wonderful! I was worried... it might be too late...
Vice: |
Too late? What happened? Are you guys okay?
Illumina Squad Captain: |
A behemoth barged in and we couldn't stop it. We lost so many... It's headed straight for the bridge. It's definitely a high-level Eclipsite... Sorry...
Vice: |
A more powerful foe? Stay alert, everyone, it's not over yet!
Dove: |
Brr... Why did the temperature suddenly drop? So cold...
Vice: |
Not temperature, Dove. That's the sensation of Darkflow... The enemy is here, everyone.
Nozard: |
You dopes managed to get this casket to fly. No matter, time for your demise!
Vice: |
Another high-level Eclipsite?
Nozard: |
I have a name, Aurorian. You may call me Nozard. It was bestowed by Mother herself. Remember my name, for it will guide you to the Truth on the Other Side!
Navigator: |
How come this Eclipsite can talk? What is this "Mother" or "Truth" nonsense that you speak of?
Vice: |
Don't bother, Navigator! Very few Eclipsites speak Universese, so this one seems kinda off!
Nozard: |
Tch! We even learned Universese to enlighten Aurorians, but to no avail. Pests will be pests... I've paid enough respect to the soon-to-be dead. Now... It's time to die.